Feedback On Teacher

Upcoming Events


For each item please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements by selecting appropriate option.

Very Good Good Average Poor

1. The current syllabus looking at global requirement is *

 Adequate    Challenging    Inadequate   Inappropriate  

2. The presence of Skill and Creativity based topics *

  Satisfactory    Adequate   Inadequate   Not at all 

3. To what extent does the curriculum promote the use of modern technology? *

 Thoroughly   Moderately   Satisfactorily    Poor  

4. How do you rank the current curriculum towards the development of human resource? *

 Excellent   Very Good   Good   Average 

5. Does your curriculum have provision of project work/field work/internship? *

 Regularly   Often    Sometimes   Rarely 

6. To what extent students have learnt the Principles of Social Justice? *

 85 to 100%    70 to 84%    69 to 54%   Below 54% 

7. Whether Professional Ethics and Moral Values are included in syllabus? *

 Thoroughly    Very Good   Good   Average  

8. Do you feel that the students have become environmentally conscious? *

 To great extent    Satisfactory   Poor   Not at all 

9. Whether the qualities required for becoming Achiever in life are included in Syllabus ? *

 To great extent     Satisfactory   Poor    Not at all