B.Com. (Financial Management)
• This program would result in the output of knowledge & skill ready professionals for banking sector, insurance sector, finance companies, logistics & transport companies, manufacturing industries & other allied sectors where knowledge of financial management is required.• Decision making abilities of students at managerial and senior levels will be developed at the end of the program.
• Students stand to get knowledge of varied specializations in accounting, finance, banking, costing alongwith grooming in lines of managerial thought process.
• Students stand to gain through systematic pedagogy and elaborate spread of various subjects, all round knowledge of hardcore financial management as well as other allied areas like business law, corporate law, project management, financial planning, environment sciences, etc.
• Students will be able to acquire and apply quantitative & qualitative skills and knowledge to further their careers in jobs and businesses..
Class | Course | Outcomes (Students will be able to ) |
F.Y.BFM Sem-I |
INDIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM | 1. Subjects gives overview of financial system to students such as flow of funds in financial system, financial system and economic development. 2. Students learn different financial system and their framework. 3. Students studies non-banking financial institutions, their role in financial system, sources of finance and RBI guidelines. 4. Students learn the concept of micro finance and its importance in rural economy. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-I |
FOUNDATION COURSE | 1. Students understand the overview of Indian society with multicultural society. 2. Students understand the concept of disparity in gender, caste and intergroup conflicts. 3. Students get knowledge about Indian constitution structure and basic rights. 4. 5 Students get understanding of Party system in Indian politics for local, state and central government. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-I |
BUSINESS MATHEMATICS | 1. Student understand the concept of profit and loss through mathematical problems on trade discount, cash discount, commission and brokerage. 2. Student understand the concept of simple interest, compound interest, and Equated monthly installments. 3. Students learn the concept of ratio, proportion and percentage. 4. Students learn the concept of shares and mutual funds. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-I |
BUSINESS COMMUNICATION – I | 1. This subject helps student to understand importance of effective communication, different methods and modes use for communication in business. 2. Subject introduces writing skills to students through letter writing. 3. Students develop the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing to meet the challenges of the world. 4. Students develop awareness of the concept of communication process and modern tools of communication. 5. Students learn the problems related to communication and ways to overcome the same. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-I |
BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT | 1. Students learn different types of business environment and its types. Different methods of analysis such as SWOT and PESTLE analysis are discussed. 2. Student learn the concept of business ethics and entrepreneurship. Students learn MSED Act, 2006 and Consumer protection act. 3. Students learn the concept of corporate social responsibility, corporate governance and Social audit. 4. Students learn strategies for globalization for MNCs and TNCs, Foreign trade in India, Balance of trade. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-I |
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING – I | 1. Students learn accounting concepts and conventions, double entry and single entry book keeping system. 2. Students learn preparation of Journal, Ledger, Trial balance and Cash book and different methods of depreciation. 3. Students learn to prepare final accounts of a sole trading concern. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-I |
BUSINESS ECONOMICS | 1. Students study the scope and importance of business economics. 2. Students study demand function, demand estimation and forecasting. 3. Students learn production function and cost concepts such as economic cost, accounting cost, variable cost and cost oriented pricing methods. 4. Students learn the concept of monopolistic competition and oligopolistic markets. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-II |
PRINCIPLES OF FINANCE | 1. Students study the concept of financial planning and financial management. 2. Students learn the meaning of capital structure and capitalization. 3. Students studies different sources of external finance such as shares, debentures, public deposits etc. 4. Students learns different internal sources of finance such as reserves surplus, bonus shares etc. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-II |
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE | 1. Students understand the concept of environment, ecology and biodiversity. 2. Students study the importance of natural resources and their classification. 3. Students study various economic activities, their pattern and environmental problems associated with economic activities. 4. Students learn the concept of environmental management and role of technology in environment management. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-II |
BUSINESS STATISTICS | 1. Students learn the scope of statistics in management, sampling methods, data condensation and graphical methods. 2. Students learn the concept of measure of central tendency. 3. Students lean the concept of dispersion, correlation and regression. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-II |
BUSINESS COMMUNICATION – II | 1. This subject gives exposure to writing skills to students in detail. 2. Subject discusses different processes and considerations involved in writing of commercial letters and reports. 3. Subject teaches student to use different tools and methods to find, evaluate, process and present information in particular format. 4. Students accomplish the requisite understanding and skills of being an active member of a committee as well as the skills of being a delegate and organizer of conferences. 5. Students understand the meaning and functions of Public Relations. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-II |
FOUNDATION COURSE II | 1. Students understand the concept of Globalization, Liberalization and Privatization. 2. Students get the knowledge of basic Human Rights. 3. Students understand the concept of ecology, importance of environment and reasons for environmental degradation. 4. Students learn the reasons for stress and conflict and various methods to managing the stress. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-II |
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING – II | 1. Students learn concept of branch accounts, accounting for dependent branch. 2. Students learn concept of department accounts, allotments of expenses and incomes and inter departmental transfers. 3. Students understand the concept of hire purchase and installment, accounting for hire purchase transactions. 4. Students learn the partnership accounts. |
F.Y.BFM Sem-II |
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING – II | 1. Students learn concept of computer hardware, RAM, ROM and different storage devices. 2. Students learn the operating systems. 3. Students study MS- WORD, MS-Excel and internet services. |
ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT | 1. Student learn the concept of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. 2. Student study entrepreneurial project development. 3. Student learn the cultural and environmental Issues in setting up of business enterprise. 4. Students learn different Entrepreneurship Development Programme and Risk Management. |
CORPORATE ACCOUNTS – I | 1. Students learn the final accounts of partnership. 2. Students study the concept of piecemeal distribution of cash, insolvency of partner and maximum loss method. 3. Students learn the amalgamation of firms. 4. Students learn realization method for conversion of sale of partnership firm into ltd. Company. |
DIRECT TAX – I | 1. Student learn basis of charge and other concepts like assessment year, annual value etc. 2. Students learn different exclusions from total income. 3. Students study different heads of income. 4. Students learn several deductions and computation of total income. |
INDRECT TAX – I | 1. Student learn MVAT Act, 2002. 2. Students learn registration and procedures under MVAT Act, 2002. 3. Students learn audit section, penalty and interest under MVAT Act, 2002. |
MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING | 1. Student learn features, Scope, Importance, Functions, role of Management Accounting. 2. Students learn Vertical Forms of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account, Trend Analysis, Comparative Statement, Common Size Statement. 3. Students learn ratio analysis and different balance sheet ratio. 4. Students learn Preparation of Cash Flow Statement. 5. Students learn concept, nature of Working Capital and Planning of Working Capital. |
BUSINESS LAW | 1. Student learn Indian Contract Act, 1872. 2. Students law of indemnity, law of bailment, law of pledge and law of agency. 3. Students learn The Sale of Goods Act, 1930. 4. Students learn Negotiable Instruments Act, 2015. |
BUSINESS REGULATORY FRAMEWORK | 1. Student study Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and The Trade Union Act, 1926. 2. Students study The Factory Act 1948, The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 and Rules as to Compensation. 3. Students learn the payment of Wages Act 1948, Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. 4. Students learn Employee State Insurance Act 1948. |
S.Y.BFM Sem-IV |
OFFICE MANAGEMENT | 1. Student learn the concept of Office Accommodation and Environment, size, layout, safety and security measures related to office building. 2. Students learn Kind of office machines used in office, Objectives and advantages of office manuals charts, preparation and play of manuals and charts. 3. Students learn the aspects related to Recruitment, selection, training and development of office staff. 4. Students learn the concepts like Office routine, flow of work and office manual, Importance of correspondence in business and Govt. offices, Essentials of good business and official correspondence. |
S.Y.BFM Sem-IV |
I.T. IN MANAGEMENT | 1. Student learn the concept of business process, classification of process and flow of business process. 2. Students learn advantages and limitations of E Commerce, the role of Strategy in E Commerce, Value chains in E Commerce etc. 3. Students learn Concept of MIS, need for MIS, characteristic of MIS, outputs of MIS , role of MIS. 4. Students learn role & Need and requirements of computerized accounting and basic requirements of computerized accounting system. |
S.Y.BFM Sem-IV |
DIRECT TAX – II | 1. Student learn clubbing of income. 2. Students learn the treatment for set and carry forward of losses. 3. Students learn Computation of Tax liability of Individual & HUF. 4. Students study Computation of Income of Partnership Firm. 5. Students learn basic aspects of Deduction of Taxes at Source and advance tax. |
S.Y.BFM Sem-IV |
INDRECT TAX – II | 1. Student learn the concept of GST, GST Network and GST model and GST Council. 2. Students study registration procedure, Remission of Tax / Duty. 3. Students study the concept of taxable supply, Time of Supply - Goods & services. 4. Students learn all aspects related to valuation and payment of GST. |
S.Y.BFM Sem-IV |
CORPORATE ACCOUNTS – II | 1. Student learn to prepare final accounts of companies. 2. Students learn the provisions related the Companies Act for redemption of Preference Shares. 3. Students learn the provisions related the Companies Act for Creation and investment of DRR. 4. Students study Principles for ascertainment Preparation of separate, combined and columnar Profit and Loss Account. |
S.Y.BFM Sem-IV |
CORPORATE LAW | 1. Student learn Companies Act, 2013 and concepts like promoters, prospectus, MO, AOA etc. 2. Students learn Indian Partnership Act, 1932 and concepts like Essentials, True Test of Partnership, Partnership Deed, Types of Partnership, Rights and Duties of Partners, etc. 3. Students learn Consumer Protection Act, 1986 & Competition Act 2002. 4. Students study Concept, Nature, Introduction & background of Intellectual Property Rights in India. |
S.Y.BFM Sem-IV |
CORPORATE FINANCE | 1. Student learn Function of Finance in a business enterprise, emergence of corporate finance, need for professional approach in managing corporate finance. 2. Students learn theories of capitalization and break even analysis. 3. Students learn the meaning of capital structure, Factors affecting Capital structure- trading on equity , Watered Capital, over capitalization and under capitalization. 4. Students learn the Sources and Methods of raising Corporate Finance. |
T.Y.BFM Sem-V |
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT – I | 1. Student learn meaning, importance, scope and objectives of Financial Management. 2. Students learn capital budgeting process and types of capital investment decisions. 3. Students learn different sources of finance. 4. Students learn the importance and measurement of cost of capital. |
T.Y.BFM Sem-V |
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY | 1. Student learn objective, importance and types of research. 2. Students learn different methods of primary data collection. 3. Students learn types of data analysis, measures of dispersion, and measures of central tendency, correlation and regression. 4. Students learn the aspects related to research report writing. |
T.Y.BFM Sem-V |
CORPORATE ACCOUNTING- III | 1. Student learn legal provisions related to banking regulation Act, 1949 related to accounts. 2. Students learn final accounts of Insurance accounts. 3. Students learn the investment accounting related to debentures and preference shares. 4. Students learn the accounting treatment for foreign current transactions. |
T.Y.BFM Sem-V |
AUDITING – I | 1. Student learn the basic concepts of Auditing, principles of audit integrity, types of Audit etc. 2. Students study audit planning procedures and documentation. 3. Students learn auditing techniques such as audit sampling, test check, internal control. 4. Students learn the objectives and basic principles of internal audit. |
T.Y.BFM Sem-V |
PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING | 1. Student learn the meaning of financial plan, components of financial plan and budgeting. 2. Students study aspects related to money management. 3. Students learn various types of investments, risk return, active and passive investment strategies. 4. Students learn different salary component and retirement planning. |
T.Y.BFM Sem-V |
BUSINESS ETHICS | 1. Student learn the meaning, importance, theories and types of ethics. 2. Students study business ethics in global economy. 3. Students learn concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, Various CSR practices etc. 4. Students learn the meaning and types of functional ethics. |
T.Y.BFM Sem-VI |
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT – II | 1. Student learn the concepts like risk and return analysis, annualized returns, types of risk and expected returns. 2. Students study the concept of optimal capital structure and types of leverages. 3. Students learn concept of cash management and strategies of cash management. 4. Students learn the various aspects related to receivable management. |
T.Y.BFM Sem-VI |
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT – II | 1. Student learn the concept and different models of organization behaviour. 2. Students study the concept of conflict management, sources of conflicts and process of conflict management. 3. Students learn types of group, group dynamics, team building, measure factors affecting team etc. 4. Students learn the concept of stress management, different approaches to stress management, changes in organization and its effects and transformational leadership. |
T.Y.BFM Sem-VI |
CORPORATE ACCOUNTING – IV | 1. Student learn the stand alone and consolidated financial statements. 2. Students study the need for internal reconstruction and related company law provisions. 3. Students learn AS- 14 related to amalgamation and absorption. 4. Students learn the need for external reconstruction, difference between internal and external reconstruction, preparation of balance sheet. |
T.Y.BFM Sem-VI |
AUDITING – II | 1. Student learn the aspects related to audit of income and expenditure. 2. Student learn the aspects related to audit of assets and expenses. 3. Students learn different auditing standards. 4. Students study the provisions related to qualifications, disqualifications, appoints and removal of auditors. |
T.Y.BFM Sem-VI |
FINANCIAL REPORTING | 1. Student learn the concept, objectives, importance and theories related to financial reporting. 2. Student learn the concept of recognition and de-recognition of assets and liabilities and compound financial instruments. 3. Students learn financial reporting by entities by Mutual Funds, NBFCs, Merchant bankers and stock and commodity market intermediaries. 4. Students study value added statements, economic value added, market value added and human resource reporting. |
T.Y.BFM Sem-VI |
PROJECT WORK | 1. Student learn the practical aspects related to research methodology. 2. Student learn to gather data and analysis of primary data and draft conclusions on the basis of that. 3. Students learn the application of research findings in practical world. 4. Student learn to interpret particular aspect of study depending on topic of project. |
- Indian Financial System
- Foundation Course
- Business Mathematics
- Business communication – I
- Business Environment
- Financial Accounting – I
- Business Economics
- Principles Of Finance
- Environmental Science
- Business Statistics
- Business Communication – II
- Foundation Course II
- Financial Accounting – II
- Computer Skills - I
- Entrepreneurial Development
- Corporate Accounts – I
- Direct Tax – I
- Indrect Tax – I
- Management Accounting
- Business Law
- Business Regulatory Framework
- Office Management
- I.T. In Management
- Direct Tax – II
- Indrect Tax – II
- Corporate Accounts – II
- Corporate Law
- Corporate Finance
- Financial Management – I
- Research Methodology
- Corporate Accounting- III
- Auditing – I
- Personal Financial Planning
- Business Ethics
- Financial Management – II
- Organizational Behaviour
- Corporate Accounting – IV
- Auditing – II
- Financial Reporting
- Project Work